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A broad range of questions that need to be answered...
Individuals are able to better understand their profile by gaining more specific information about a wide variety of behaviours, attitudes, and beliefs linked to their personality.
The range of questions and answers are a part of our ever-expanding knowledge base that can grow either through internal demands or particular requests from individuals.
Individuals can learn more about various aspects of themselves across a broad range of categories. Categories covered and typical questions are listed below: -
Select a category below to see what you can learn about yourself...
Internet & TechnologySmartphone Usage Internet Usage Gaming Perceived Usefulness of Technology Student Internet Misuse Internet Addiction Computing Skills Aptitude Mobile Apps
ShoppingMarket Mavens Design Driven Purchases Shopping Brand Evangelism Materialism & Excessive Buying
Art & MediaArtistic Preferences Media & Culture Preferences Entertainment Media Preferences Consumption of Leisure Experiences Art & Architecture Media Violence
ProductivityFlow Entrepreneurialism Writing Style Maximizing Tendencies Creativity Participating in Surveys
FinancesFinancial Well-Being Economic Opportunism Economic Beliefs Financial Distress
The SelfOptimism Forgiveness Indecisiveness Pride Lies Personal Values Self-Concept Clarity Aggression Bereavement Narrative Responses to the pain of other’s Agency Threat Self-Compassion Trust Fear of Missing Out Coolness Flying Dreams
RelationshipsEmotional Investment Non-Verbal Communication Mate Poaching Friendships Parenting Style Citizenship(Helping Behaviours) Number of Children Offering Help (Who do you help?) Non-Retaliation (Do you turn the other cheek?) Enduring Marriages Imagined Interaction Anti-Social Behaviour Vengeance Conflict Management
Healthy & Well-BeingHappiness Coping Strategies Pleasurable Emotions Mindfulness Subjective Well-Being Risky Health Outcomes Emotional Intelligence Risk Propensity All-Cause Mortality Self-Efficacy & Stress Sleep Disturbances Vaccination Safety Blood Donation
Online Communication & Social MediaSelfies Facebook Usage Online Travel Websites Twitter News Articles E-mail Overload True Self Online Types of Facebook Status Updates Facebook Photographs Social Media Aggression Texting Frequency Social Advice Networks Emoticons in Social Media
Careers & EducationWorkplace Readiness Workaholism Decision Making Under Pressure Social Investment At Work Retirement Motivation to Learn in the Workplace Approaches to Learning in Higher Education Relationship with Mentor/Supervisor Studying Abroad Taking Sickies Career Success Satisfaction With Working in Teams Negotiating Style Earnings Student Burnout
LifestyleGeneral Knowledge Body Tattoos and Piercings Everyday Behaviours Morning Person (Are You A Morning Person?) Late/Early (Are You Late or Early) Daily Life Situations Green Space At Fault Driving Accidents Natural Habitat Sense of Humour Are We Boring You Poker & Superstition
Politics, Society, Culture & Environment"Environmental Engagement Political Voting The Meaning of Life Social Status Connectedness to Nature & Humanity Animal Welfare Eco-Friendly Tourist Behaviour Cultural Intelligence Tourism Development Anti-Social Behaviour Online Political Engagement
Food, Drink & Physical Activity"Eating Habits Physical Inactivity Exercise Eating Locally Produced Food Alcohol Consumption Enjoying Bitter Tastes Vegetarian Walking Athletic Success
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